
4月から iKnow! が新しくなるようなので 2007年~2008年に iKnow! で作文した英語メモを抜き出してみました。エントリーを英語にして書いてたものはこんな感じに追記して、ないものは、ここにまとめてメモしておきます。結果的には、周りに影響されずマイペースで学習するような感じで自分には合ってるかも…英文は自分流なのでちょっとナゾです。

got 100th item
Recently , my heart gets kind of warm. Because spring is come! I wanted to get it in winter.
5月24日 20:58

Most of the work alone in my office but I connected with Skype our members so I don’t have any consciousness the alone.When I have a problem I ask and talk to members for make some ideas. Skype time is a very important. However when production is concentrated I stop a skype all the while.
Actuality, freedom is a delight also ultimate own fight I think.
2月2日 4:45

Now watching 24 season1
I’m completely absorbed in watching a lot of overseas dramas from last year. LOST, Prison break, Grey’s Anatomy and just started 24 season1. I contracted DISCAS via my friend’s introduction in the DVD Post rental course that I can rent as much as I like for fixed sum. I can rent two DVD after return two DVD you know.
So, I make time somehow and maintain a good balance between work and pleasure. A drama and movies are really interesting. I think that the reason to be able to make time.
1月22日 21:13

Soup Stock Tokyo
I went to Soup Stock Tokyo on my way office from meeting. Today’s soup is various vegetable soup containing some ginger. I have a little sore throat. So, it’s effective I think.
It was late lunch about three o’clock on this Friday.
1月14日 1:27

5 Question to Minami
Today, I’ll tell you something my personality. Word, self analysis, want to go, when low spirit and fashion point. So, How about you?
1)word → naturally, pure
2)self analysis → straight, earnestly
3)area → New York, Paris
4)when low spirit → talk with my friend, cooking
5)fashion point → casual, cool
1月2日 3:13

New year’s count down 2008
If you have a time around midnight today please join the open chat on skype. I’ll back at 23 o’clock maybe.
12月31日 2:51

My microwave was broken
My microwave was broken on this Friday. I have shocked but uesd many years so, I satisfied that. Then I got new one kind of small type. Actuality, I’m glad to get household appliances.
12月31日 1:53

Help my friend get a job
Business friend call me today. He is looking for someone do CATIA operator. So, I offer to my friend and he made a decision immediately. I hope to he get some worth. I think it’s a big job!
12月18日 0:35

talking about travel
We’re getting ready for our trip. I’m going to a trip with my family next month. I can’t wait coming new year!
12月17日 0:37

troublesome task
The matter was brought to a peaceful settlement today.
12月11日 3:27

2nd day
I’m getting used to study iknow.
12月1日 0:31



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